We offer the best transport to Guido mine in Zabrze!

Vincent Psotrowski in Zabrze, Poland

History of Guido mine in Zabrze is over 150 years old! It is a very popular destination for tourists from our country and from all over the world. It was open to tourists only in 2007, so many people in our country have never heard of her, and even more so in this place. Mining ceased in 1928. When we travel to this place, we will know the history of the mine.
We will be led by an experienced guide who will tell us many interesting facts and lighten the process of coal mining. We can realize how hard was the work of miners in this place in the nineteenth century. An interesting fact is that the mines were used to work horses and there were underground stables here. Thanks to the visit to the mine, we will also understand the worship of St. Barbara, who is a “present” figure at every stage of the tour. Our transport of people allows us to reach the facility directly. It is, therefore, worth to use our services, as you will save yourself a lot of time traveling to this place. You can also arrange a trip to a few people, which is a very interesting way of spending time with friends or family. A visit to the Guido mine is sure to be memorable for a long time and we will probably return to this place again.

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